Spring Events in the Portland Metro Area

Spring Events in the Portland Metro Area

A calendar of events for foodies, film buffs and nature lovers. Whether April brings showers or sunshine, Portland has plenty to do throughout the month.

Portland Faux Film Festival April 4-6 Clinton Street Theater, Portland

Trillium Festival & Plant Sale April 5-6 Lewis and Clark Griswold Stadium, Portland

Bridge to Brews April 6 Lilis-Albina Park, Portland

Northwest Pet & Companion Fair April 12-13, Portland

Race for the Roses April 13, Oregon Convention Center, Portland

Hood River Valley Blossom Festival April 16-17, the “Fruit Loop”, Hood River

Spring Beer & Wine Fest April 18-19, Oregon Convention Center, Portland

Filmed by Bike April 19-22, Clinton Street Theater, Portland

Portland Pinbrawl April 21, Ground Kontrol, Portland

Taste of the Nation Portland April 29, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland

Download and print a copy of my Spring Event Calendar.